Caregiver Corner: Activity Partner Volunteer Program


By Brian Fox, SourcePoint Caregiver Program Coordinator

There are a few topics of discussion that seem to surface during just about every single session of a SourcePoint Caregiver Conversation support group — things like stress management techniques, navigating community resources, being a medical advocate, etc. Still though, probably the number one overarching talking point is, “How do you explain to an older adult in your care why it is in their best interest to just get up and try new things?” Conversely, how are caregivers supposed to maintain their hobbies, interests, and connections if they aren’t confident in stepping away from their loved ones?

SourcePoint has hundreds of different activities going on any given week, ranging from discussion groups, art courses, wellness exercises, music, and more — but none of that does a whole lot of good if you can’t leave your care receiver’s side for even a short while at a time.

Likewise, your care receivers are just as unlikely to get out and try new things or stay connected to the hobbies they loved before a disability made it more difficult if you aren’t the ones taking them to and from each session.

What if a program could match existing SourcePoint members and caring volunteers from the community who share a similar interest with your care receiver — similar to a volunteer senior companion program but with access to a whole community center’s entire course catalog? Actually, I guess it’s not really all that complicated when you just list it all out like that.

So, here’s my ask:

Contact me by phone, email, or during my Drop-in Hours (M, W, F from 10-3) if you’d like to learn more about this volunteer program we’re calling the Activity Partners. Volunteers are not guides or chaperones but mutual friends helping one another experience community in ways they may have previously thought unavailable to them. The best part: each Activity Partner pair will have support from SourcePoint staff to help select programs and schedules that match their interest and availability. This is a completely open-ended, flexible program where each pair gets to decide on their own time spent!

If you’d like to learn a little more about what science has to say about the importance of socializing, check out this article from SourcePoint’s Caregiver Corner “Do you have a Third Place

Support groups, free classes and workshops, and one-on-one consultations are available for family caregivers of any age who live in Delaware County, as well as those who are caring for a loved one who lives in the county. To learn more visit Or schedule a private discussion with Caregiver Program Coordinator, Brian Fox. Brian can be reached by e-mail at or by phone at 740-203-2399.

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