SourcePoint offers hundreds of programs and services that help our community live well as they age. To register for a program that suits you, follow the instructions below:

Community Programs
We are proud to offer a wide range of programs at our on-site enrichment center, including fitness, arts, education, and more. Off-site and online programs are also available.

Insurance Education
SourcePoint’s free classes take the mystery out of Medicare and empower you to make sound insurance decisions. Online presentations are also available.

Caregiver Support
Support groups, free classes and workshops, and one-on-one consultations are available for family caregivers of any age who live in Delaware County, as well as those who are caring for a loved one who lives in the county.

In-Home Care
Could you or someone you love benefit from in-home care services, such as Meals on Wheels or homemaking services? Fill out a request form for a personalized consultation.