Age-Friendly Delaware County


Age-friendly is an international effort led by the World Health Organization and facilitated in the U.S. by AARP. This Age-Friendly Initiative encourages cities, counties, and states to prepare for the rapid aging of our population by working together to strengthen and advance our communities.

SourcePoint leads the charge in Delaware County, working with community partners to innovate and improve six domains of livability—key areas that influence healthy aging. Together, we have developed an action plan to help ensure an active, safe, and healthy lifestyle for Delaware County residents of all ages.

OUR MISSION:  Age-Friendly Delaware County will collaborate to innovate and improve key elements of livability that support healthy aging in our community.
OUR VISION: Delaware County is an active, safe, healthy, and connected community for all ages and abilities.

Age-Friendly’s Six Focus Areas

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Outdoor Spaces & Buildings

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Community Support
Health & Safety

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Community Engagement

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Communication & Information

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Video made possible by our valued partners at Greif
Get Involved!

Delaware County residents, business owners, and community leaders are invited to participate in the implementation and review of our action plan.

To get involved, please contact
Alison Yeager
Chief Advancement Officer, SourcePoint
Phone: 740-363-6677

Age-Friendly Delaware County Businesses

Local businesses listed below are recognized for achieving the Age-Friendly Business distinction. For information on how your organization can join the growing Age-Friendly movement in Delaware County, contact SourcePoint at 740-363-6677.

Champion Business – First Citizen’s National Bank

Age-Friendly Business – Partner of the Month

Facilitating Organization
June 2023
July 2023
August 2023
September 2023
December 2023

Stay up to date and follow Age-Friendly Delaware County on our social media platforms:

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