Volunteers are the Future

In a world often overshadowed by the hustle and bustle of daily life, moments that celebrate community spirit and altruism are truly special. One such occasion recently unfolded for SourcePoint volunteers, as we came together for an evening of recognition and appreciation for the folks who are the heart and soul of our organization. The Volunteer Recognition Dinner held at Medallion Club in Westerville not only honored the dedication of our volunteers but also demonstrated the power of volunteerism in making a difference in the lives of Delaware residents.
From seasoned volunteers to newcomers eager to contribute, the event brought together individuals who selflessly gave their time, skills, and energy to various causes throughout the year. As they mingled over a delicious dinner of lasagna, linguini, and vegetables, laughter and camaraderie filled the air, reflecting the strong bonds forged through shared experiences and a commitment to service.
One of the many highlights of the evening was watching volunteers receive their award pins. Award recipients were announced and 5, 10, 15, 20, and even one 25-yr pin were presented to thunderous applause! Whether it was for driving for Meals on Wheels, leading an activity in the Enrichment Center, or helping with home chores, every act of kindness was celebrated. If you are due to receive a longevity award this year, but couldn’t attend the dinner, the pins will be distributed to your volunteer supervisor in the next couple of weeks.
Another highlight of the evening was listening to our speakers talk about how much SourcePoint has grown and how far we have come in providing services for Delaware County residents over the past 32 years. As someone who has only been working at SourcePoint for two months now, it was fascinating to learn more about the history of the organization from our CEO, Fara Waugh. Fara has been with our organization from the very beginning, and other folks like Marilyn Clark, Laura Smith, Karen Pillion, and Joan Pearse collectively have decades of experience with SourcePoint. They are a wealth of knowledge about where we’ve been and where we’re going. While listening to them, I felt proud to be part of an organization that does so much good in our community and celebrates the folks who choose to serve others.
One of the themes running through many of the speeches was the importance of welcoming new volunteers. When volunteers feel embraced and valued from the moment they step through the door, they are more likely to be engaged, committed, and enthusiastic about contributing their time and skills. A warm welcome sets the tone for their entire volunteering experience, creating a positive atmosphere where they feel empowered to make a meaningful difference. Fostering a culture of inclusivity encourages diverse perspectives and talents to flourish, enriching the organization’s work and ensuring its long-term success.
It was not just a dinner but a celebration of giving—a reminder that, in a world often plagued by divisiveness, compassion binds us together. It was wonderful to see how many friendships have been made through volunteerism at SourcePoint and to watch everyone enjoy each other’s company throughout the evening. In the end, the success of the volunteer dinner was not measured by the number of awards distributed, but by the spirit of unity and generosity that filled the room, and that same energy seems to be a character trait of those who choose to volunteer. By coming together and serving others, we can create a brighter, more compassionate community for generations to come.
You can find the full gallery of photos on the SourcePoint FaceBook Photo Album – 2024 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
A Message from Fara
This issue celebrates the contributions of volunteers who continue to serve their community after entering their ninth decade of life. What an amazing achievement! At SourcePoint, we take every opportunity to recognize members, clients, and volunteers who contribute to a positive quality of life for those who live in Delaware County.

This is one way our organization supports a national initiative, launched in 2014, called Reframing Aging. The initiative’s intention is to reframe negative views of aging, bolster better perceptions of growing older, and advocate for the development of policies that support aging in the community. The problem being addressed is the use of language that describes aging in a disparaging way. This type of language contributes to “ageism” or the negative stereotyping of seniors in American culture. Just pull a few birthday cards from the rack at any store for examples of older people caricatured as unattractive and later-stage birthdays as events to dread. The solution is to recognize that language matters. We can’t change societal perceptions without encouraging a more productive narrative about the benefits of living longer. To reframe aging we must pull from our vocabulary descriptions of seniors as “over the hill” and no longer contributing members of our communities which, as we know, is the exact opposite of what is happening. A study on reframing conversations around aging entitled, Gauging Aging, found that when someone compares growing older to “building momentum,” ageist stereotypes were reduced by 30%. .
All it takes is for one person to call attention to the benefits or positive aspects of aging for other people in the conversation to drop their implicit negative attitudes. This is something we can all do if we are conscientious when speaking about aging or when we seek out age-affirming birthday cards.
Thank you to all our volunteers, but especially our 90’s club: Walter, Gene, Ruth, and Lorraine. We look up to you for your wisdom, experience, and positive outlook on growing older.
Volunteer Spotlight
THE 90S VOLUNTEER CLUB – by Jill Smith

Alas, not the 1990s! There is a small but mighty club here at SourcePoint – one we all aspire to join – made up of volunteers still serving into their 90s. The newest inductee, Walter Morton, 90, delivers a weekly Meals on Wheels route in one of the far reaches of the county, the village of Ashley. Besides Gene Pillion and Walter Morton sixteen years as a meal driver, Walter and his wife, Donna, have a long history of volunteering with 4-H clubs and international exchange programs. What keeps him volunteering? “I like seeing the people,” says Walter. “You form relationships with the clients, the other volunteers, and the staff.” After their Friday meal route, Walter and Donna can usually be found dining in Cafe 55 with another 90s club member, Gene Pillion.
At 92, Gene delivers two meal routes a week. “I enjoy it and it gives me something to do,” Gene says. “I don’t know how much longer I’ll keep it up, but age will tell me when to stop.” He started his volunteer journey seventeen years ago with his wife as his delivery partner. After she passed away in 2014, he continued delivering on his own, until his daughter (Nutrition Administrator Karen Pillion, who oversees Meals on Wheels) insisted he solicit a friend to assist him. At one point, Gene delivered up to five different routes. These days, he sticks to his two favorites, Shawnee and Berkshire. “As long as I feel safe driving, I’ll continue to do it.” Gene says. “We’re just tough old guys!” Walter adds.
Cafe 55 volunteer, Ruth Robinson, 92, attributes her youthfulness to line dancing. She was a part of a line dancing group in Marion who “won the battle” of the line dancers. Ruth used to walk Alum Creek Dam with a group of ladies, but now, she walks it alone.
Her advice is, “Keep moving.” Ruth grew up in Columbus, married in 1952, and had two kids. She lost her husband in 2019. “He did everything for me.” Says Ruth. “Now I’m learning to do things for myself. I still mow my own grass.” After joining SourcePoint two years ago, she saw a cafe volunteer struggling with the physicality of the job and decided to take on her first-ever volunteer role. “I’ve been blessed, I’ve got good genes.”
At 93, Lorraine Conty is the most senior of our senior volunteers. She took on her first volunteer role about eleven years ago when she joined the marketing department’s monthly mailings group. “I like doing it, I like to get out,” she says. “I like the social interaction.” Besides volunteering, Lorraine is also part of a knitting group that meets weekly at SourcePoint, and she likes eating in Cafe. 55 “I use a walker and the volunteers are wonderful, helping me with my tray. On the days I don’t eat at SourcePoint, I have Meals on Wheels delivered to my home by those special volunteers.”
Walter, Gene, Ruth, and Lorraine are amongst the last of a service minded generation who volunteered so faithfully before the pandemic hastened many departures. The continued commitment to community service that these four volunteers demonstrate is impressive, and SourcePoint members and clients are grateful for all they do. “Our generation lived through tough times,” Walter says. “If we can make things better for others, we will.”
Open Volunteer Positions
Volunteers are the heartbeat of our organization. If you would like to try a new volunteer role (or know others who want to join you), here are a few great volunteer opportunities that have open positions:

Café 55 Assistants bring joy to SourcePoint diners. They clean off tables, assist diners with signing up and paying for meals, and carry trays when necessary. After lunch, they wipe down tables and keep everything in order, creating a clean and pleasant atmosphere for diners. LEARN MORE

Fitness and Aquatics Attendants staff the desk in the fitness center or pool. They provide a friendly greeting while assisting members with signing in or using the equipment, and keep a watchful eye. Volunteers receive free fitness or pool walking sessions for their service. LEARN MORE

Kitchen Assistants work alongside SourcePoint’s chefs to prepare, pack, and serve 1,200 meals a day for Meals on Wheels and Community Cafes. They are mostly morning people who enjoy the camaraderie of a team and the bustling environment of a kitchen. LEARN MORE
For questions, or to sign up for any of the opportunities listed above, please contact volunteer recruiter, Denise Kilton at dkilton@MySourcePoint.org or 740-203-2368.

Denise Kilton
Volunteer Recruiter
Phone: (740) 203-2368
Email: dkilton@MySourcePoint.org
If you know someone who would be a great addition to the SourcePoint volunteer team, please share this e-newsletter and invite them to attend an upcoming Volunteer Orientation. We are always ready to add new volunteers to our awesome volunteer force.
It is volunteer time, talent, and efforts that help make Delaware County the place to “Thrive After 55” and SourcePoint the wonderful organization it is. Thank you for all you do!