Falls Prevention

Delaware County’s Source for Falls Prevention
Our Purpose

If you or an older adult in your life has fallen, you’re not alone. More than one in four people age 65 years or older fall each year. The risk of falling—and fall-related problems—rises with age.

However, many falls can be prevented. For example, exercising, managing your medications, having your vision checked, and making your home safer are all steps you can take to prevent a fall.

How We Can Help
Home SafetyChecks
Home Safety

Your home should be a safe haven, and SourcePoint can provide a free inspection of your home and suggestions on how to make it safer.

Schedule your free home safety check!
Contact Us Online or Call 740-363-6677

Falls PreventionPrograms
Falls Prevention

SourcePoint offers free, proven classes to address falls, including A Matter of Balance, Falls-Free Zone, Health in Action, and Aging Mastery

View Program Descriptions


First In Response Service Team, or FIRST, is a service in which first responders partner with SourcePoint to help adults ages 55 and older get the resources needed to live safely at home for as long as possible.

Learn More

Health & WellnessPrograms
Health & Wellness

At SourcePoint’s enrichment center, adults ages 55 and better can participate in a variety of endurance, flexibility, strength, and balance activities.

View Enrichment Center Programming

Falls Prevention Workshops & Classes

Falls Prevention Coalition

The goal of the Stepping Up to Prevent Falls Coalition is to prevent falls among older adults by convening a group of committed, local partners to implement evidence-based strategies to prevent falls. Strategies include:

  • Provide more fall-risk assessments.
  • Build systems for home assessment and modifications.
  • Increase access to balance and mobility training.
  • Reduce risk factors, such as medication interactions.
  • Increase the availability of medical screenings, including vision and hearing tests.

Led by the Delaware Public Health District, the coalition consists of several local organizations and businesses committed to falls prevention, including SourcePoint. For more information, please get in touch with fallsprevention@delawarehealth.org.

Our Purpose

Unintentional falls among older adults are a leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries in the U.S. and Ohio. Hospital costs associated with injuries sustained by falls account for a substantial share of health care dollars. In 2014, 1,160 Ohio residents ages 65 and older died, and more than 100,000 fall injuries were treated at hospitals and emergency departments.

In Delaware County, falls remain a prevalent public health concern.

From 2016 to 2017, emergency medical service runs for older adults who suffered falls went from 737 to 973, an increase of 32%. Additionally, emergency department visits due to falls went from 6.9 per 100 older adults in 2016 to 8.5 per 100 in 2017, a 23% increase. These statistics suggest severe falls requiring emergency medical assistance, and thus more likely to lead to fatalities, are increasing in our community. Therefore, Delaware County needs to expand and improve our falls prevention programs.

Falls Prevention News

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