Thank You, Nutrition Department Volunteers!
Thank you for sharing your time, talents, and energy to support SourcePoint’s mission to make Delaware County a better place to grow older. Your services are vital to the success of our organization. We have developed an online learning library to ensure each volunteer experience is safe, efficient, and effective. SourcePoint receives funding from The Older Americans Act with the condition that all Nutrition Volunteers complete annual training. The training modules provided here meet these requirements. Please take a few minutes to view the training videos listed below each heading that is related to your position.

Meals on Wheels Driver
- Time Off Request
- Meals on Wheels Overview
- Meals on Wheels Delivery
- Food Safety Basics
- Lifting/Back Safety
- Roundabout Safety
- Railroad Crossing Safety
- Driving in Snow/Ice
- Mobile Meals App
- Kiosk (Sheldon)
- Animal Abuse
- Just for Paws Program
- Animal Safety
- Pets & Tech
- More Than Just a Meal
- Mechanically Altered Meals
- Confidentiality & Privacy