We envision that older adults have access to affordable, accessible, and safe housing options with the ability to age in place if they so desire.

86% of Age-Friendly Delaware County survey respondents indicated they find it important or very important to stay in their current home as they age. Even so, over 40% indicated they need assistance with maintaining the interior and exterior of their homes. A recurring theme in our survey centered around financial concerns and the affordability of housing.
⫸ Nesterly was recently introduced in the Delaware, Ohio community. This online platform, which has seen great success in other large communities, securely connects households (Hosts) who have spare space with people (Guests) who are seeking a place to stay for longer than one month. A unique feature is housemates can exchange basic help like grocery shopping, dog walking, and tech support for a lower rent. LEARN MORE

1 in 4 Americans age 65+ falls each year. Between 50% to 75% of falls occur in the home. Even falling without injury can cause a fear of falling, leading to physical decline, depression, and social isolation.
⫸ Home safety checks are a walk-through of an older adult’s living space with a trained professional to identify certain risk factors in the home environment and get suggestions for modifications to reduce environmental fall risk in the home. Utilizing SourcePoint providers, we recruit and create a memorandum of understanding with partners; train partner agency staff to conduct checks, set up a referral process, data collection, and follow-up protocol for checks, and create referral resources for home modifications suggested. LEARN MORE
Housing Focused Projects Coming Soon:
Discover More Age-Friendly Focus Areas:
🩺 Community Support, Health & Safety